*Updated for 2024-2025 School Year
Points are obtained through submissions to the State Reporter, according to the point system below.
Submission of an article with a photo to the FBLA State Reporter - 10pts Article should spotlight a chapter’s activities for the month. Article could include a member spotlight. Maximum of 1 photo per activity.
Submission of a minimum of 1 article to the FBLA Regional Reporter - 10pts
Submission of an article for the FBLA National Newsletter - 10pts (Copy of submission sent to to State Reporter)
Have an article about FBLA in your school published in school or local paper - 5pts (Copy of submission sent to to State Reporter. Maximum 30 points and must be different articles in different editions of the local paper.)
Copy of Local Chapter Newsletter (minimum 2/year) sent to State Reporter* - 10pts
Local Chapter Reporter attended FBLA Leadership Development Camp - 10pts
*Must be completed to be eligible for Reporter’s Quill.
Local Chapter Newsletters must be submitted monthly, by the 10th of the month, for the previous month’s activities, ex—September submissions are due by October 10.
EXCEPTION—August and other summer activities will be due by October 10 with the September submissions.
When emailing OR Uploading to the Google Drive, please make sure your document is named and dated with school, activity, and date. Example: PaulBlazer-CommServ-September24. If you do not include this information, points will not be awarded to your chapter.
If your school is not permitted to use Google, please contact Sheena Searcy, State Adviser.
Google Drive