FBLA week will officially starts this Saturday, February 9 and runs until February 15. It’s also the same week as Student Leadership Day in Frankfort, which may provide some unique planning opportunities as well.
This year's daily themes:
Service Sunday
Marketing Monday
CTE Tuesday
Why Wednesday
Thankful Thursday
Fundraising Friday
Success Saturday
If you’re looking for an easy way to celebrate...
Host dress up days for the entire school
F-Future, wear your favorite college or career gear
B-Business, wear business attire (a great opportunity to make sure your competitors are in compliance with dress code for upcoming competitions)
L-Leaders, wear a chapter shirt but could be something about any club or group they are involved with in a leadership capacity
A-America, wear red/white/blue
You can use the fifth day of the week for community service. For example, make Friday a crazy hat day and for $1, receive a bracelet or sticker to wear a hat, then donate the proceeds to groups like March of Dimes, Alzheimer’s Association, or another organization close to your community. The national office will be supporting activities around the following themes which are great to integrate with your plans. Please visit the toolkit for more information on each.